Exercising with your children

Exercise is important for both children and parents. In the U.S.A, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that children and adolescents should get at least an hour of physical activity each day. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service recommends the same. Evidence shows that regular exercise can benefit cardiorespiratory health, muscular fitness, bone health and mental health. Howard, J (2018, April 24). How much exercise your kid needs, based on the latest research. https://cnn.it/2Jls1Ny. 

Time for exercise needs to be scheduled on an ideally daily basis. It’s important to note the days you know your children are getting their 60 minutes on certain days because of after school sports clubs or gym class at school they may not want to join you in exercising that day. 

There are all the obvious ones like go for a walk with your children but it’s not always practical or safe for some people to head outside in the evenings after work and school. We have found one way which has worked for many of us; a daily YouTube workout video! Yes, working out in the living room together is a practical option. There are videos available for all age groups and tastes. Here are some of our favourites:

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